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web design & online marketing

biz bio

“Kyra is a master organizer, speed googler, and detail junky. Like she does most things, she found her way to marketing and online business through non-traditional routes. Travel writing took her to the backend of WordPress sites, which took her to graphic design and SEO.

Her passion for online marketing lies rooted in storytelling, organization, and hospitality. These attributes, coupled with technical skills, allow her to support small businesses in translating dreams, notes, and images into cohesive custom websites, which reflect each brand’s unique energy.

Her attention to detail means that in addition to custom web development, she also offers copy-writing, graphic design, social media integration, and SEO integration.”


2020 NOTE: My main focus now is on my chef career and More Pleaze. I accept a handful of select marketing clients every year between onsite chef work, either because of a personal draw to their business or because of unique circumstances, such as COVID-19 quarantine. 

Web Development

I create beautiful and custom WordPress websites from the ground up. I love taking pieces of my client’s visions and transforming them into interactive digital portfolios that are both professional and represent the brand’s individual energy.

I can advise on domain registration, hosting, branding, images, eCommerce, and more. Each site I design is fully custom, scales from desktop to mobile, and has SEO basics included. I also like to train business owners to update their own sites with custom guides. I’m big on self-empowerment!

Yes, you can absolutely create your own site on Wix or Squarespace, it will probably look fine, and I fully support these next-to-free options. However, without at least a basic understanding of design, search engine capabilities, and the nuances of development, it is next to impossible to create a scalable professional site indexed by major search engines. Your site is most likely the first impression your client will have of you, and it’s worth the investment to ensure the site is both easy to find, and converts easily to sales.

My costs begin at $1500 all-inclusive for just web development on small sites and go up from there for additional services such as copywriting, e-commerce, and additional pages.

Copy Writing

I’ve always loved sharing my experiences via the written word. My official writing career began with travel stories and then became more serious working with San Francisco based companies in the mid-2010s, before moving to Maui and copywriting for the island’s premier advertising firm, Gilbert & Associates.

I’ve used my writing experience to offer first-person narrative for online blogs, newsletters, websites, printed materials, and more. I can also change my voice to represent brands for copywriting, telling someone else’s story using their voice.

Some of my favorite projects have included copywriting mass-produced pamphlets for Allerton & McBryde Gardens, editing and contributing to a pre-term loss guide for mothers through Doula Spot, and contributing to Travelettes first printed book.

The art of the story and the importance of it in marketing to establish an emotional connection is vital to my work. While multi-faceted, my expertise lies in travel, wellness, yoga, food, and hospitality.

Rates begin at $75 hour, and are discounted when in conjunction with web development.

Search Engine Optimization

The truest thing I’ve ever been told about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) it that it’s part skill and part intuition. That holds true years later. Google and search engine scrapers constantly compete with bots trying to up rank on search results.

No matter the latest algorithm at play, my methods always go back to the brand,  focussing SEO on attracting ideal clients, not simply upping rank on broad keyword bets. In short, it’s better to spend energy catering to the client that will pay versus the one just browsing. While you can pay an arm and a leg for shady developers to pay bots to up your views, there’s no longevity in that. Keeping the site’s quality high and bounce rate low is more vital to sustainably raising your rank.

I begin with a brand overview, a keyword audit, and do the basics of backend and copy keyword integration, but I do with intention and class. I also look into other ways to influence traffic, such as google ads, review services, and local registrars. This means that I do the set-up, your site stays classy, and the results come naturally.

Everything Else

Any other questions? Please just ask! I’ve built up my own social media pages, sales funnels, and newsletters. I have a love/hate relationship with many of the companies that offer these services and have no problem honestly telling you about my experiences.

We all have a limited amount of time, energy, and money, and I’d rather watch you invest wisely in 1-3 mediums that actually align with your brand and client, rather than trying to do it all and blowing yourself out.

I have wonderful social media managers, social media organization systems, and tips for CMS that I am happy to share as I build your site. Let me help you navigate through the over-abundance of confusing options here. (And for goodness sakes unless your teenager is running it, please get off Tik Tok now.)