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Welcome! I’m Kyra Bramble.

I infuse every project with the same love and intention that I put into every dish.

Blending passion with purpose…

Hello, I’m Kyra Bramble. My life’s work is a tapestry woven from my passions for food, wellness, and community.
I’m a private chef, a website designer, and a new mother, each role enriched by the other. My journey into the culinary world began in the bustling kitchens of San Francisco, where my love for vibrant, healthful cuisine took root.
This path led me to Maui, where the lush landscapes and warm community have been my home and inspiration.
Becoming a mother has deepened my commitment to nurturing—not just in feeding and caring for my daughter but also in supporting other chefs and entrepreneurs.
Through Lotus Chefs, I’ve created a space where talented female chefs can shine, sharing our collective passion for nourishing, beautifully crafted dishes.
More Pleaze, my chef networking platform, grew from my desire to connect people with food that heals and brings joy, mirroring the community’s spirit that has supported me.
Balancing motherhood with entrepreneurship, I’ve shaped my businesses to reflect a lifestyle that values wellness and creativity.
I manage my brand hands-on, designing websites and marketing materials that resonate with the ethos of health and craftsmanship. This hands-on approach allows me to stay grounded in the details that matter, ensuring authenticity in every aspect of my work.
Now, as I navigate the joyful challenges of motherhood, I find myself drawn more to mentoring and supporting others and getting lost in design with my daughter nearby rather than far away on my feet. Whether it’s helping a fellow chef refine their menu through my digital art and coaching, or a solopreneur brand their startup, I’m here to offer the insights gained from years of joyful toil and creative collaboration.
Join me on this delicious journey as we explore the art of cooking with intention, design with heart, and living a life infused with wellness.
Here’s to creating, sharing, and growing together in a world that values the beauty of a well-set table and the community gathered around it.

My current love projects… 

Lotus Chefs

Private chef services on Maui, HI with all-female team specializing in retreat catering.

More Pleaze

Digital marketplace for chefs in health & wellness.

Lotus Digital Artistry

Web design and branding for artistic small women-owned businesses.

Private Chef Shop

Private chef consulting, business coaching & design templates.

Some fun facts about me


Backwards Chef

Most chefs go from culinary school to the fanciest restaurants they can find, burn out, and then find themselves to health and wellness. I graduated, went to Costa Rica to live on farms, and built up my business through retreat catering and holistic nutrition before gravitating towards fine dining as an expression of art. I support all paths that chefs take and love sharing my knowledge!

Counter Culture Chameleon

My parents were avid Grateful Dead heads, and as a baby and little girl I boast seeing Jerry 60 times!!! In my 20s I fell in love with Burning Man and have been to that magical place 12 times since 2007. Hoping to get back when my daughter is older…

Luck of the Irish

So random… but I find four-leaf clovers constantly! I’ve lost count but I would guess I’ve found 100-200 over the course of my life, and even some five-leafs and six-leafs too!

Late Mama

Since I possess memories, I’ve always dreamed of becoming a mama, and in my late thirties I had just about given up hope when I became pregnant with my beautiful daughter at thirty-seven. I love supporting other women, and other mamas live their dreams fully as I strive to do my own!

Yoga Junkie

Yoga has saved my life too many times to count! I completed my YTT in 2016 and taught vinyasa for years religiously until the pandemic hit. I’m working hard now on getting my practice back with my new postpartum body, but I still gravitate towards yoga and wellness centric events and work and consider all in the practice my community.

Accidental Designer

I didn’t mean to become a designer! In my twenties I was a travel writer, and had to force myself to learn to publish and format my own blog posts, and through there became obsessed with wordpress and digital design. I am grateful for that transition because I have had so much fun bringing businesses to life, my own and my communities!

I believe that work is love made visible, let’s infuse yours with beauty and intention.